The quickest and easiest way to transform a bathroom is with an inexpensive shower head Clear shower XL showerhead. Here you can see both model versions Clear Shower XL has to offer, both providing there own unique experience. Not every bathroom is going to be brand new, elegant, or glamorous, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still be a place of relaxation and peace. This gallery takes place in a small dorm room bathroom, with poor lighting and a need for a fresh coat of paint. However, the large rainfall shower makes the bathroom’s imperfections less noticeable as your eyes are drawn directly to the bathroom’s centerpiece. We think you will like this inexpensive shower head.
In the video below you will see a slow motion video of the three phases of beauty the Clear Shower XL experience provides – Filling up, raining down, and dripping off. The product was designed to be visually pleasing at all times to provide the high-quality shower you deserve.We were also recently featured on brookestone and Touch of